STOP: Do not attempt to apply without all the required documentation listed below.

Our online application system will NOT accept applications without uploading ALL of the following:

  1. High School Diploma or GED
  2. Birth Certificate or Passport
  3. If ApplicableProof of welding qualifications – including contractor-certified welding certificates or Vo./Tech. diploma(s)
  4. For US Military Veterans ONLYDD214 Record

*We strongly recommend you use your smartphone to submit an application. Doing so simplifies the process by allowing you to upload the required documents using your smartphone’s camera.

If you’re using a computer to apply, you’ll need electronic versions of the required documentation. Please make sure these documents are in the proper format, as only PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, files are acceptable.

Using a free app, like Scanner Pro, can assist you in capturing these documents electronically for uploading.

Online Application